Acknowledgment to JCMK Editorial Board and Peer-Reviewers for contribution in 2017

Благодарность редакционной коллегии и рецензентам ЖКМК за вклад в 2017 году
Laura Dybyssova 1
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1 Executive Secretary, on behalf of editorial team of Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 1, Issue 47, pp. 6-7.
OPEN ACCESS 2803 Views 1840 Downloads
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On behalf of Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan, we would like to express our appreciation to all editorial and advisory board members, reviewers and authors who contributed to this journal in year 2017.


Dybyssova L. Acknowledgment to JCMK Editorial Board and Peer-Reviewers for contribution in 2017. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2018;1(47):6-7.