Research Ethics Policy

Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan retain the right to reject any manuscript on the basis of unethical conduct in either human or animal studies.

Human Research
For research involving human participants, the article should include information about whether ethical approval was obtained and, if so, from which ethics committee or institutional review board the approval was granted. This information should also include the number or ID of the approval and a statement confirming that the participants provided informed consent before participating in the study (or a justification for why consent was not necessary). Also, the authors are expected to state that the study was conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Declaration of Helsinki, as revised in Edinburgh in 2000, which can be accessed at:

In line with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Declaration of Helsinki, it is recommended that clinical trials be prospectively registered prior to participant enrollment. Clinical trial registration numbers should be included in all publications reporting on clinical trials.

When illustrations include recognizable individuals, whether living or deceased, great caution must be exercised to ensure that appropriate consent for publication has been obtained. Patient anonymity must be preserved. Photos should be cropped to prevent identification of human subjects, and at a minimum, the eyes and eyebrows should be masked using pixelation to make the individual unidentifiable.

Animal Research
Research and experimental studeis involving laboratory animals must rely with relevant guidelines and principles such as "EU Regulations on Animal Research", “Guide for the care and use of laboratory animals”, "American Assiciation for Laboratory Animal Science", "ARRIVE gudelines (Animals in Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments)" and/or any other similar priniciples.

Additional information on how to report guidelenes based on the type of conducted research is available from EQUATOR Network resourse website.

If necessary, the editorial office reserves the right to ask for additional information about experiments mentioned in a manuscript.

Additinal links to research ethics regulations are provided below:

Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights

Human Research Report

Medical Advances Without Animals Trust (MAWA)

Animal Research Review Panel