Analysis of the condition of the nutritional status of early age orphan children in children's homes of the republic of Kazakhstan

Анализ состояния питания раннего возраста детей-сирот в детских домах Республики Казахстан
Assiya Turgambayeva 1, Zhanar Bukeyeva 2
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1 «Astana Medical University» JSC, Department of Public Health №1, Astana, Kazakhstan
2 «Astana Medical University» JSC, training center, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 1, Issue 39, pp. 43-46.
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Research objective was an assessment of adequacy of food with needs of an organism for energy and the main feedstuffs, and also improvement of a measure of prevention of the main forms of food violations at orphan children and children without parental support, in children’s homes of health system.
Methods. The principle of the analysis of the nutritional status of children in our research consisted in comparison of the received results of anthropometry with reference standard sizes for children of this age category. The standards of reference population recommended by WHO and used in the present report conform to standards of the national center for medical statistics of the USA (NCHS). In research results of inspection of orphan children as the main group (n=226) and children who are brought up in the families (n=100) which made group of control were used.
Results. As it became clear, from 74 orphan children at the age of 6-12 months of 18.9% suffer from chronic insufficiency of food (-2 WITH), 6,8% from them have the expressed growth inhibition (-3 WITH), and 9,3% exceed standards of the age category. In control group of 10% have the expressed growth inhibition, and 2.04% advance own development.
Conclusion. Analysis showed that the actual children nutrition scheme is obsolete and needs to be revised in a short time.


Turgambayeva A, Bukeyeva Z. Analysis of the condition of the nutritional status of early age orphan children in children's homes of the republic of Kazakhstan. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2016;1(39):43-6.


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