Determination of the association of some polymorphisms with metabolic syndrome in residents of the city of Nur-Sultan
Kamshat Akhmetova 1 2 * ,
Tamara Vochshenkova 1,
Erbolat Dalenov 2,
Aigul Abduldayeva 2,
Talapbek Azhenov 3 More Detail
1 Сenter of Gerontology, Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
2 Department of Preventive Medicine and Nutrition, Astana Medical University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
3 Surgical department №1, Medical Centre Hospital of President’s Affairs Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 18, Issue 6, pp. 76-80.
Aim: Metabolic syndrome develops as a result of a combined effect of environmental factors and genetics. Therefore, this study is an attempt to detect polymorphisms that influence the development of metabolic syndrome among people of reproductive age in the case of Nur-Sultan.
Material and methods:128 polymorphisms were selected from those involved in metabolic disorders in other studied populations; further, their effect on developing metabolic syndrome in the focused group was studied. The study involved 717 respondents aged 18 to 49 with an average age of 40.2 years. Out of them, 243 participants were diagnosed with metabolic syndrome with IDF criteria.
Results: Based on the study results, five polymorphisms that influence the development of metabolic syndrome were found: rs7903146, rs157582, rs 4506565, rs7578597, rs4072037. T allele in polymorphisms as rs 7903146 - 1.56 (СI 1.14-2.14; p = 0.004), rs 157582 - 1.54 (СI 1.16-2.04; p = 0.001), rs 4506565 - 1.5 (СI 1.1-2.03; p = 0.007), rs 7578597 - 1.59 (СI 1.02-2.46; р = 0.016) increases the risk of metabolic syndrome development approximately by 1.5 times according to the additive model, whereas C allele by polymorphism rs 4072037 does the risk of MS development by 1.99 (СI 1,1-3,6; р = 0,016) times according to the recessive model.
Conclusion: The identified five polymorphisms make it possible to assess the risks of MS and associated diseases.
Keywords: metabolic syndrome, polymorphism, allele, genotype
Akhmetova K, Vochshenkova T, Dalenov E, Abduldayeva A, Azhenov T. Determination of the association of some polymorphisms with metabolic syndrome in residents of the city of Nur-Sultan. J CLIN MED KAZ. 2021;18(6):76-80.
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