Echinococcosis of rare localizations

Эхинококкоз редких локализаций
Askar Bakhtiyarov 1, Gulmira Utepbergenova 2, Sayra Sagitova 2
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1 Regional clinical hospital, Neurosurgical Department, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
2 Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh Turkish University, Department of Infectious Diseases and Tuberculosis, Shymkent, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 1, Issue 39, pp. 47-49.
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Brain and spine echinococcosis are one of the rare locations echinococcus bubble, which is difficult to diagnose, and can lead to complications (epileptiform seizures, paresis, paralysis). In this article we describe rare cases of echinococcosis fronto-temporal region of the brain to the right of a woman 33 years old with relapsed and hydatid L3 body cysts vertebra with spinal cord compression, complicated lower paraparesis and dysfunction of the pelvic organs in men 49 years old, first identified on MRI lumbar dressed spine. With a view to early diagnosis and to reduce the incidence of echinococcosis need to conduct targeted screening population using blood enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and instrumental research methods (CT, MRT) of the brain and spine. In order to prevent relapse after patients Echinococcectomy compulsorily appoint protivoretsedivnoe treatment of anthelmintic drugs.


Bakhtiyarov A, Utepbergenova G, Sagitova S. Echinococcosis of rare localizations. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2016;1(39):47-9.


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