Effect of infusion solutions on the dynamics of neuronspecific enolase activity in patients with acute cerebral ischemia

Влияние инфузионных растворов на уровень нейрон-специфической энолазы у пациентов с острой церебральной ишемией
Andrey Semenenko 1
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1 National Pirogov Memorial Medical University of Vinnytsia, Department of Surgery №1, Vinnytsia Ukraine
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 4, Issue 38, pp. 42-45.
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Objective: To investigate the dynamics of NSE during treatment of isoosmolar 0.9% NaCl solution and the hyperosmolar mannitol solution in acute ischemic stroke.
Methods: It was studied 15 patients with acute ischemic stroke. The investigated isoosmolar 0.9% Nacl solution and the solution hyperosmolar mannitol administered intravenously in a conventionally effective dose (defined in the experiment) directly upon confirmation of the diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke and further every day, every 12 hours for 7 days. A control group were patients treated with infusion therapy only 0.9% NaCl solution, the comparison group were patients treated with 0.9% NaCl solution + mannitol. Blood sampling was conducted for determination of specific marker of cerebral ischemia the neuron-specific enolase (1st, 4th and 7th day of stroke).
Results: Treatment of patients with acute ischemic stroke with mannitol was accompanied by the dynamic growth of the test marker of neurodestruction from 17 to 23 nm / ml in all periods of observation with a statistically significant increase in the activity of NSE on the seventh day of stroke. A similar picture is viewed in the group with 0.9% NaCl solution.
Conclusion: infusion therapy with isoosmolar 0.9% NaCl solution + hyperosmolar mannitol with standard therapy was accompanied by a dynamic growth of NSE in patients with acute cerebrovascular accident on ischemic type as in the control group.


Semenenko A. Effect of infusion solutions on the dynamics of neuronspecific enolase activity in patients with acute cerebral ischemia. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2015;4(38):42-5.


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