Effectiveness of biorevitalization of cervix during pregravid cervical incompetence correction

Эффективность биоревитализации шейки матки для предгравидарной коррекции истмико-цервикальной недостаточности
Nikolay Shebrina 1, Muaviya SN Almaradat 1, Natalya Kapusnik 1, Irina Kuzmina 1
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1 Kharkov national medical university, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology №1, Kharkov, Ukraine
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 1, Issue 39, pp. 37-42. https://doi.org/10.23950/1812-2892-2016-1-37-42
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Аim: To determine the effectiveness of the method biorevitalisation cervical correction cervical incompetence (CIN) before the planned pregnancy by restoring physiological sphincter cervix using her replacement excessive muscle connective tissue.
Methods. A total of 80 non-pregnant women with CIN, the main group, and 20 healthy women, included in the control group. The main group of patients was divided into two clinical groups: 1 - 40 women with CIN, which pregravid period were treated fillers based on hyaluronic acid, 2 - 40 women with CIN, which before pregnancy CIN treatment was carried out. Glycosaminoglycan biopolymer administered in cervical tissue in an amount of 0.3 ml once, by gradually chipping the entire area of the total volume of the internal os of the drug from 1 to 2 ml. As criterion for the effectiveness of the correction of cervical activity index is proposed to use of neuraminidase in the cervical mucus.
Results. Concentrations of all studied biologically active components cervical mucus in patients with CIN after correction method biorevitalisation significantly exceeded the comparable figures recorded in the initial state. carrying out correction of the cervix in women with CIN step pregravid period accompanied by increased content of all carbohydrate components cervical mucus on average 40-45% and reliably maintained for 14 months.
Conclusion. Method biorevitalisation cervical hyaluronic acid is effective for correction at step CIN pregravid preparation, contributes to the normalization of structural and functional properties of the cervix.


Shebrina N, Almaradat MS, Kapusnik N, Kuzmina I. Effectiveness of biorevitalization of cervix during pregravid cervical incompetence correction. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2016;1(39):37-42. https://doi.org/10.23950/1812-2892-2016-1-37-42


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