Ethnicity and the risk of ventricular arrhythmias due to stable ischemic heart disease

Этническая принадлежность и риск желудочковых аритмий при стабильной ишемической болезни сердца
Yelena Rib 1, Gulnar Zhussupova 1, Zinaida Yugai 2
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1 Department of Internal Medicine, «Astana Medical University», Astana, Kazakhstan
2 Department of Cardiology, «1st City Hospital», Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 1, Issue 43, pp. 24-29.
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Objective: determination of the of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias risk in native nationality patients with stable ischemic heart disease.
Methods. The cohort study included 216 patients with stable ischemic heart disease with left ventricular ejection fraction not less than 40%. All participants initially underwent anthropometric measurements, laboratory routine tests, 6-minute walking test, ECG, 24-hours ECG monitoring, echocardiography. After 3, 6 and 12 months, participants were invited to repeat 24-hours ECG
monitoring procedure for life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias episodes detection.
Results. Participants cohort included 130 native nationality persons (Kazakhs) and 86 Caucasian patients. Characteristics of the sample: 181 men (84%), the average age of 62 [57; 66], the average follow-up period - 12,7 ± 1,2 months. Increased relative risk of ventricular arrhythmias in Kazakh patients was revealed: high grading ventricular premature beats RR 1.98 (95% CI 1,02-3,84), P = 0.010); non-sustained ventricular tachycardia RR 2.80 (95% CI 1,07-8,97), P <0.001). Signifcant independent influence on life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias development in patients Kazakh nationality had anemia, obesity, diabetes and limitation in 6-minute walking test performing.
Conclusion. Arrhythmic events in native nationality patients with stable ischemic heart disease without severe left ventricle systolic dysfunction are different from those of Caucasians, that should be considered when predicting the individual risk of arrhythmic events and sudden cardiac death in native nationality patients.


Rib Y, Zhussupova G, Yugai Z. Ethnicity and the risk of ventricular arrhythmias due to stable ischemic heart disease. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2017;1(43):24-9.


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