Evaluation of nursing care requirements in mechanically ventilated patients

Gozde Kara 1, Gamze Temiz 2 *
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1 Intensive Care Department, Medical Park Hospital, Izmir, Turkey
2 Faculty of Hamidiye Nursing School, Health Science University, Üsküdar/Istanbul, Turkey
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 19, Issue 1, pp. 70-76. https://doi.org/10.23950/jcmk/11736
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Objective: This study aims to plan and carry out the determination of daily living activities, nursing care needs and to what extent these needs are met in patients who have been undergoing mechanical ventilation and then weaned from mechanical ventilation.
Material and methods: This research is a descriptive study planned to determine the daily living activities, nursing care needs and to what extent these needs are met in patients who have been weaned from mechanical ventilation. In this study, "What is the level of meeting the daily living activities of the patients who have been undergoing mechanical ventilation and then weaned from mechanical ventilation?", "Is there a difference between the socio-demographic characteristics of the activities of daily living?", "What are the opinions of the patients who have been undergoing mechanical ventilation and then weaned from mechanical ventilation about the nursing care needs?" sought answers to questions.
Results: The patients who participated the research were determined including into the half-dependent group cause of being the point average 11,63±3,314 of the KATZ scale of the daily life routines. It was found statistically significant difference (p<0,05) between the answer of the questions which were asked by the participating patients who needed to know about suppling with nursing care requirement. According to this: It was determined that people trust nursing care, are moderately affected by medical treatment, nutritional problems are reduced with nursing care, they receive moderate information from nurses, and they receive help from nurses for symptoms such as nausea-vomiting and pain due to illness.
In addition, it was determined that they needed to be supported in complying with care, giving explanatory information about care, being honest and communicating effectively during the therapies, paying attention to the protection of privacy, and families' participation in nursing care therapies.
Conclusion: There is a need to increase nurses' levels of knowledge about determining the care needs of patients receiving undergoing mechanical ventilation and then weaned from mechanical ventilation and meeting these needs. According to this, the knowledge of intensive care nurses should be strengthened by using visual learning techniques and simulation application methods, in addition to relevant theoretical trainings.
Key words: mechanical ventilation, patient, nursing, care, need


Kara G, Temiz G. Evaluation of nursing care requirements in mechanically ventilated patients. J CLIN MED KAZ. 2022;19(1):70-6. https://doi.org/10.23950/jcmk/11736