Foreign bodies in the chest: diagnosis and surgical treatment

Инородные тела грудной клетки: диагностика и хирургическое лечение
Anatoliy Kolos 1, Zhaksylyk Dzhieshev 1, Aigul Aitbayeva 1, Maria Gerassimova 1
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1 JSC «National Scientific Medical Research Center,» Department of cardiac surgery, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 4, Issue 38, pp. 79-82.
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Foreign bodies of the thoracic cavity is a rare phenomenon in most cases they enter into the trachea, bronchi, and the bulk of them fall on the children’s age. Ways of penetration of foreign bodies into the chest of an adult patient is different, most often due to injury. The clinical picture of foreign bodies in the thoracic cavity depends on the size of the subject and the bottom of his introduction into the lung tissue and mediastinum. Small foreign bodies may not manifest themselves for many years. A more severe clinical picture observed in patients with medium and large foreign bodies. The article presents the case of a foreign body in the chest.


Kolos A, Dzhieshev Z, Aitbayeva A, Gerassimova M. Foreign bodies in the chest: diagnosis and surgical treatment. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2015;4(38):79-82.


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