Immunological mechanisms in the pathogenesis of cerebral palsy

Иммунологические механизмы в этиопатогенезе детского церебрального паралича
Yevgen Lisovskyy 1, Kenzhe Kussainova 1, Meiram Shakenov 1, Natalya Lisovska 1
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1 «Republican Children’s Rehabilitation Centre» JSC, Science and Education Department, Аstana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 1, Issue 39, pp. 6-11.
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The cerebral palsy is highly actual issue of pediatrics, causing significant neurological disability. Though the great progress in the neuroscience has been recently achieved, the pathogenesis of cerebral palsyis still poorly understood. In this work we reviewed available experimental and clinical data concerning the role of immunocompetent cells in pathogenesis of cerebral palsy. Maintaining of homeostasis in nervous tissue and its transformation in case of periventricular leukomalacia were analyzed. The reviewed data demonstrate involvement of immune regulatory cells in the formation of nervous tissue imbalance and chronicity of inborn brain damage. The supported opinion, that periventricular leukomalacia is not a static phenomenon, but developing process, encourages us optimism about possibility of its correction. The further study of changes of the nervous and immune systems in cerebral palsy will contribute to creating fundamentally new directions of the specific therapy and individual schemes of rehabilitation.


Lisovskyy Y, Kussainova K, Shakenov M, Lisovska N. Immunological mechanisms in the pathogenesis of cerebral palsy. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2016;1(39):6-11.


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