Indexes of inflammation and hyperreceptivity of bronchial tubes for schoolchildren with heavy and middling-heavy bronchial asthma
Показатели воспаления и гипервосприимчивости бронхов у школьников с тяжелой и средне-тяжелой бронхиальной астмой
Oksana Feshchuk 1 *
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1 Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 1, Issue 35, pp. 26-29.
The aim: for optimization of treatment to define the indexes of inflammation of bronchi and their nonspecific hypersensitiveness for schoolchildren with heavy and middling heavy persistens of bronchial asthma.
Material and methods. A 91 of school age children with bronchial asthma is inspected. Clinical groups were formed on heavy: in I group 38 children entered with heavy bronchial asthma, in II are 47 patients with the middling-heavy flow of disease. On basic clinical descriptions of group of comparison were comparable. In the runback of expirate determined indexes freely radical oxidization of proteins, proteolitic activity, level of metabolismus monooxide of nitrogenes, catalytic activity. Studied hyperreceptivity of respiratory tracts to Histaminum and bronchial lability after a test of spirography with the dosed physical loading.
Results. Findings are given by grounds to consider that heavy bronchial asthma for schoolchildren characterized more expressive indexes of inflammation of respiratory tracts together with a high sensitiveness and reactivity of bronchi to Histaminum. The results of indexes of hyperreceptivity of bronchi appeared reliable to the direct irritant (to Histaminum), that confirm the low indexes of PC20H and high DZK, testifying to high hyperreceptivity of bronchi for children with heavy asthma (0,84±0,1, 2,3±0,2 and 2,03±0,4, 1,9±0,1 accordingly, p<0,05).
Conclusion. For children with heavy bronchial asthma, as compared to patients with its middling-heavy variant, marked change in the runback of expirate, confirmative large activity of inflammatory process of bronchi, and also a tendency is set to more expressed labiliti bronchi and for certain more high sensitiveness and reactivity of bronchi to Histaminum. With heavy bronchial asthma it follows children to appoint base antiinflammatory therapy in a volume «plus one step on GINA» from initial determination of control.
Feshchuk O. Indexes of inflammation and hyperreceptivity of bronchial tubes for schoolchildren with heavy and middling-heavy bronchial asthma. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2015;1(35):26-9.
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