Job satisfaction, burnout and turnover intention of nurses working in hospital during the pandemic COVID-19 in Turkey
Nukhet Bayer 1,
Zehra Golbasi 1,
Yasin Uzuntarla 2 * ,
Kamile Akarsu 3 More Detail
1 Nursing Department, Faculty of Health Sciences, Lokman Hekim University, Ankara, Turkey
2 Department of Health Management, Gülhane Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey
3 Surgery of Nursing Department, Health Services Vocational School, Lokman Hekim University, Ankara, Turkey
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 18, Issue 6, pp. 69-75.
Aim: The turnover intention due to low job satisfaction and burnout and the elimination of the negative effects it causes are of great importance during the pandemic COVID-19 particularly in some countries such as Turkey that public health is concerned, there has been an ongoing effort to improve its background and lack the number of nurses per capita. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between job satisfaction, burnout, and turnover intention in nurses working in hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and methods: The descriptive research design was applied and conducted in a training and research hospital affiliated to the Ministry of Health in Ankara, Turkey. The subjects consisted of 251 nurses. The data were collected using the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, the Maslach Burnout Inventory and the Turnover Intention Scale. The Mann-Whitney U test, the Kruskal-Wallis Variance test, and the Structural Equation Modeling were used to analyze the data. Results: Emotional exhaustion subscale had the greatest effect on turnover intention. An increase in job satisfaction score causes an average decrease on the turnover intention score. The low job satisfaction of the nurses who take care of COVID-19 diagnosed patients has been determined to have negative impact on their turnover intention and burnout. Conclusion: Job satisfaction, burnout, and turnover intention in nurses were examined and all of these factors were found to be moderate. However, in this study, the job satisfaction of the nurses in caring of patients with COVID-19 infection was lower than that of the nurses who did not.
Bayer N, Golbasi Z, Uzuntarla Y, Akarsu K. Job satisfaction, burnout and turnover intention of nurses working in hospital during the pandemic COVID-19 in Turkey. J CLIN MED KAZ. 2021;18(6):69-75.
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