Liver transplantation in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad: history, state of the problem

Трансплантация печени в Республике Казахстан и за рубежом: история, проблемы в настоящее время
Ainur Doszhan 1 2, Roza Bektaeva 1, Marlen Doskali 2
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1 «Astana Medical University» JSC, Astana, Kazakhstan
2 «National Scientific Medical Research Center» JSC, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 37, pp. 6-8.
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From the handful of pioneering programmes, liver transplantation has expanded to hundreds of programmes in >80 countries. 1-year patient survival rates have exceeded 80% and outcomes continue to improve. This success has created obstacles. Ongoing challenges of liver transplantation include those concerning donor organ shortages, recipients with more advanced disease at transplant, growing need for retransplantation, toxicities and adverse effects associated with long-term immunosuppression, HCV recurrence. The priority strategic directions and mechanisms of development of high-tech care were identified in the State Health’s Development Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Salamatty Kazakhstan" for 2011 - 2015 years as. In that case, transplantation is becoming one of the important strategic directions of medicine in Kazakhstan, which has been rapidly developing in recent years. The research centers and regional clinics successfully have implemented the innovative grafting technologies to world standards in Kazakhstan. Today over 1 200 patients are needed for liver’s transplantation in Kazakhstan.


Doszhan A, Bektaeva R, Doskali M. Liver transplantation in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad: history, state of the problem. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2015;3(37):6-8.


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