Lung cancer case presented with paraneoplastic dermatoyositis

Описание клинического случая рака легких с паранеопластическим дерматомиозитом
Adem Kucuk 1, Ilknur Sahin 1, Guluzar Kutas Kurt 1, Ilknur Albayrak 2, Mehmet Unal 1, Ali Yavuz Karahan 3
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1 Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya, Turkey
2 Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey
3 Beyhekim State Hospital, Konya, Turkey
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 33, pp. 39-40.
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Paraneoplastic syndrome is a group of signs and symptoms that are  not directly associated with tumor metastasis and caused by  hormones or cytokines that  are produced by a tumor or in reaction to a tumor. Here we presented a lung cancer case with a paraneoplastic dermatomyositis as a clinical evidence.


Kucuk A, Sahin I, Kutas Kurt G, Albayrak I, Unal M, Karahan AY. Lung cancer case presented with paraneoplastic dermatoyositis. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2014;3(33):39-40.


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