Main tendencies of infant mortality in Kazakhstan

Основные тенденции младенческой смертности в Казахстане
Farida Bayserkina 1
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1 JSC “National Children’s Rehabilitation Center”, Astana city, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 2, Issue 32, pp. 54-59.
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The aim of research was to conduct a comparative analysis and identify the main trends in infant mortality in Kazakhstan by regions for 1991-2012 years.
Methods: The source of served as a summary of the births and deaths of children under 1 year of age in the Republic of Kazakhstan by regions in 1991-2012 year. Conducted a retrospective research of infant mortality in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 14 years and regions. Almaty and Astana using statistical indicators of demographic yearbooks submitted Kazakhstan Agency for Statistics. Absolute and relative mortality ratio was used for purpose of study the demographic indicators. The object of study included children aged under 5 years old who died from various causes of death. International Classification of Diseases and Health was used 10 reviews for coding causes of death (ICD -10).
Results: In Kazakhstan, the highest rates of infant mortality have been recorded in Kyzylorda - 25.1 (per 1,000 live births), South Kazakhstan region - 25, Zhambyl - 23.8, East Kazakhstan - 22.5, Aktobe - 20.9, Karaganda - 20.7. Birth rate increased and was 20.4 per 1000 people. Among the causes of infant mortality rank first conditions originating in the perinatal period (82.3%), second - congenital malformations (17.8%), the third - respiratory diseases (8.5%) and the fourth - other. In the Southern region has features seasonally adjusted mortality rate for children on the first year of life. If the infant mortality rate in the country is slightly higher in July, August, January and February, the South Kazakhstan region of the peak index falls in June, July, August and September. Therefore, this calls for careful attention to the summer peak of infant mortality. Success in its reduction will depend on how effective will be measures against seasonal outbreaks of intestinal infections in the region.
Conclusions:Analysis of the structure of causes of maternal mortality characterizes adverse health trends babies first year of life, in the structure of causes of infant mortality in the ten years of the Republic of Kazakhstan place I occupy conditions originating in the perinatal period, congenital malformations. What can be said about the diseases of the respiratory system, where rates have dropped significantly, but continues to occupy third place due to high mortality rates in areas such as South Kazakhstan, Akmola, Kyzylorda, Mangystau.


Bayserkina F. Main tendencies of infant mortality in Kazakhstan. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2014;2(32):54-9.


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