Mapping the terrain: A comprehensive exploration of health literacy among youth

Olzhas Zhamantayev 1, Karina Nukeshtayeva 1 * , Gaukhar Kayupova 1, Zhaniya Dauletkaliyeva 1, Zhanerke Bolatova 1, Aliya Takuadina 2, Nurbek Yerdessov 1
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1 School of Public Health, Karaganda Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
2 School of Informatics and Biostatistics, Karaganda Medical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 20, Issue 6, pp. 12-22.
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Health literacy is identified as a crucial public health concept that demands the attention of policymakers due to its profound impact on population health. This comprehensive review explores the landscape of health literacy among youth, examining current circumstances, relevant policies, available resources, tools, and effective strategies. We aimed to comprehensively map and synthesize the existing literature on the current state of health literacy among young individuals. Employing a data-centric methodology, the review meticulously analyzes existing literature and research in the domain of youth health literacy. We displayed the results of the analysis, distributing them into appropriate blocks. The review emphasizes the need for deeper research to assess health literacy gaps among youth and select appropriate assessment tools. It also highlights the imperative to enhance the health literacy of young individuals, which presents a significant global challenge. Developed nations' governments show considerable interest in this issue, with potential legislative measures to foster competencies from early personal development. The review notes that multiple factors such as socioeconomic status, health risk behaviors, health status, gender, and age interplay with health literacy, requiring attention to disparities among at-risk populations. Despite numerous tools available for assessing general health literacy, the lack of a standardized international tool remains a concern for public health professionals. Addressing health literacy necessitates a multifaceted approach that considers diverse influences on health education, communication, and behavior, especially among youth. Tailored interventions designed for specific populations can bridge literacy gaps and enhance overall well-being.


Zhamantayev O, Nukeshtayeva K, Kayupova G, Dauletkaliyeva Z, Bolatova Z, Takuadina A, et al. Mapping the terrain: A comprehensive exploration of health literacy among youth. J CLIN MED KAZ. 2023;20(6):12-22.


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