Monitoring of intestinal microbiocenosis of children under 15 years
Мониторинг кишечного микробиоценоза у детей до 15 лет
Nelya Bissenova 1, Aigerim Yergaliyeva 1, Aigul Kuanyshbekova 1, Marina Sitnikova 1
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1 JSC «National Scientific Medical Center», Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 2, Issue 36, pp. 30-33.
The aim of this study: the monitoring of intestinal microbiocenosis of children under 15 years.
Methods: During 2012 - 2014 conducted prospective bacteriological examination of the large intestine 255 children under 15 years. Primary inoculation of clinical material was performed quantitative method to culture media in accordance with the regulations. The identification of isolates was performed by microbiological analyzer Vitek 2-Compact.
Results: From 2012 to 2014 bacteriological examination for intestinal dysbiosis characterized by a decrease the number of obligate microflora. Escherichia coli with normal enzymatic activity normally have been allocated 59.6±3.0% of the surveyed children, bifidobacteria were detected at 62.3±3.0%, only 16.0±2.3% of infants were identified in normal lactobacilli. The study showed a detection of opportunistic enterobacteria in 21.5±2.5% of patients (in particular bacteria of the genus Proteus, Klebsiella, Enterobacter), Candida in 18.8±2.4%, Staphylococcus aureus - 16.0±2.3%.
Conclusions: Intestinal microflora of infants is characterized by a decrease in the number of lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and E.coli with normal enzymatic activity. As part of intestinal microbiocenosis of children surveyed increased the number of opportunistic enterobacteria, Candida and Clostridium.
Bissenova N, Yergaliyeva A, Kuanyshbekova A, Sitnikova M. Monitoring of intestinal microbiocenosis of children under 15 years. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2015;2(36):30-3.
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