Prevalence and determinants of vitamin D deficiency amongst patients in Erbil, Kurdistan region of Iraq

Shwan Othman Ameen 1, Banan Qasim Rasool 2, Aya Nasih Mohammad 3 * , Sayran Mohamad Tahr 4, Gazang Noori Abdulla 3, Dhuha Abdulraheem Omar 3, Anna Závadová 5, Bareq Sabeeh Hashim 3
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1 Cardiac Center, Surgical Speciality Hospital, Erbil, Iraq
2 Directorate of Health, Ministry of Health KRG, Erbil, Iraq
3 College of Medicine, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq
4 College of Pharmacy, Hawler Medical University, Erbil, Iraq
5 First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
* Corresponding Author
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 20, Issue 3, pp. 19-25.
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Aim: This study aims at calculating the prevalence of Serum Vitamin D deficiency and determining risk factors associated with deficiency amongst patients in Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
Material and methods: This was a prospective cross-sectional study conducted on 424 patients from September to November 2021 in the Outpatient Department of Kurdistan Cardiac Center – Surgical Specialty hospital.
Results: Results showed that study population consisted of adults aged 30 years and above, 171 (40.3%) females and 253 (59.7%) males. The majority of the study population (51.9%) were Serum Vitamin D deficient, 27.6% were Serum Vitamin D insufficient and 20.5% had normal Vitamin D levels. Serum Vitamin D deficiency was seen more frequently among female gender, increased BMI, previous infection of COVID 19, Diabetes Mellitus and those with abnormal lipid profiles.
Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of Serum Vitamin D deficiency in Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq. In addition, there were associations between Serum Vitamin D deficiency and many other diseases. Therefore, medical practitioners should consider more education of patients regarding importance of vitamin D status in the body.


Ameen SO, Rasool BQ, Mohammad AN, Tahr SM, Abdulla GN, Omar DA, et al. Prevalence and determinants of vitamin D deficiency amongst patients in Erbil, Kurdistan region of Iraq. J CLIN MED KAZ. 2023;20(3):19-25.