Primary immunodeficiency: common variable immunodeficiency

Первичный иммунодефицит: общая вариабельная иммунная недостаточность
Oksana Ussenova 1, Dinara Gabdullina 1, Marina Morenko 1, Yelena Kovzel 2
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1 Astana Medical University, Department of children’s diseases №1, Astana, Kazakhstan
2 Republican Diagnostic Center, Department of Allergology, pulmonology and orphan diseases, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 1, Issue 39, pp. 16-19.
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By definition, primary immunodeficiencies are genetically determined diseases, which are fundamental molecular or organic defects associated with impaired immune responses, in this case there is the clinic of infectious and autoimmune diseases, with an increased risk of developing malignancies. Primary immunodeficiency diseases more frequent than previously thought. The lack of clear algorithms and the use of outdated technologies considerably delay diagnosis process, which leads to delays expensive no specific treatment instead of Immunotropic effective therapy. The first episodes of primary immunodeficiencies (PID) are manifested at an early age, but also the primary PID can also occur in adults, the first episode of the disease observed in the 20-30 years of age.


Ussenova O, Gabdullina D, Morenko M, Kovzel Y. Primary immunodeficiency: common variable immunodeficiency. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2016;1(39):16-9.


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