Rehabilitation of patients with laryngeal paralysis

Восстановительные методы лечения больных с параличами гортани
Aigul Baizhumanova 1
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1 "Astana Medical University" JSC, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 37, pp. 9-13.
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The review is devoted to modern methods of voice rehabilitation in patients with laryngeal paralysis. The effectiveness of therapy depends on the age, cause and nature of the lesion. The main task of rehabilitation is used to activate the muscular apparatus of the larynx and compensatory mechanisms to achieve complete closure of the vocal cords during phonation.The author notes a number of advantages and disadvantages of each method.


Baizhumanova A. Rehabilitation of patients with laryngeal paralysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2015;3(37):9-13.


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