Screening diagnostics of disorders of bone mass by ultrasound densitometry in Astana
Скрининг-диагностика нарушений костной массы по данным ультразвуковой денситометрии в городе Астана
Roza Shakiyeva 1, Aigul Abduldayeva 2, Erbolat Dalenov 2, Gulnur Doszhanova 2, Zh Bizhanova 1 2, Nazgul Degemerzanova 1
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1 Kazakh Academy of Nutrition, Almaty, Kazakhstan
2 Astana Medical University, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 2, Issue 36, pp. 51-53.
The aim of this work was to obtain epidemiological data on the prevalence of osteoporosis among individuals older than 40 years of Astana using ultrasound densitometry.
Methods: The study involved 93 people, including 17 (18.3%) men and 76 (81.7%) of women aged 40-90 years. Selective cross-sectional screening study mechanical properties of bone tissue in Astana residents was conducted by ultrasound densitometry at the heel bone (densitometer SONOST 3000, South Korea). On the basis of a questionnaire specially designed questionnaire and measurement of T-score was calculated 10-year absolute risk of low-energy fractures of the respondents using a computer program FRAX TM tool.
Results: According to the ultrasound densitometry of the calcaneus NCM prevalence among residents of Astana is 83.3%, OP - 20.4%, which generally coincides with data elsewhere in the country. The urban population of Astana is a high degree of risk of fracture macrobiotic low, medium and high risk of fracture were 46.2% of the population, while the nationwide rate is 26.7%. According to the ultrasound densitometry women are more prone to Astana OP - 22.4% of respondents than men - 11.8% of respondents. Persons Kazakh nationality are more susceptible to reduce the t-test in comparison with the Russian nationality.
Conclusions: The data about the peculiarities of the prevalence of osteoporosis among the residents of Astana over 40 years allow health authorities to take measures for prevention and early detection of disease study.
Shakiyeva R, Abduldayeva A, Dalenov E, Doszhanova G, Bizhanova Z, Degemerzanova N. Screening diagnostics of disorders of bone mass by ultrasound densitometry in Astana. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2015;2(36):51-3.
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