Some aspects of lifestyle as predictors of malignant neoplasms of upper gastrointestinal tract

Некоторые особенности образа жизни как предикторы злокачественных новообразований верхних отделов желудочно-кишечного тракта
Galiya Orazova 1 2, Leonid Karp 1, Alikhan Dossakhanov 2, Lyaziza Sauyekenova 3, Gulnara Zhaxylykova 3, Larisa Bukhanovskaya 4, Alma Zhylkaydarova 5, E. Zhapparov 6
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1 Astana Medical University, Astana, Kazakhstan
2 National Scientific Medical Research Center, Astana, Kazakhstan
3 Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan
4 Municipal Polyclinic 6 of Astana city, Astana, Kazakhstan
5 Кazakh Scientific Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology, Almaty, Kazakhstan
6 Oncology Center of Astana city, Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 1, Issue 35, pp. 45-50.
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Purpose of the study. Identification of lifestyle aspects of population as predictors of malignant neoplasms of upper gastro-intestinal tract.
Methods. This study is a cross-sectional one. There were selected respondents between 40-59 years old (here in after the total population) to creating a profile of population. During the study of risk factors for cancer of the upper gastrointestinal tract there were used specially developed questionnaire for general population and for cancer patients who were examined and treated in cancer clinics in the several regions of the country. In total there were surveyed 1.112 respondents of population and 403 patients with cancer of the upper gastrointestinal tract. The frequency of risk factors was obtained with the confidence interval (±). Comparison of the frequency factor indicators was carried out by Student’s formula.
Results. Almost half of the respondents of the total population and 72.7% of patients noted the presence of any disease of gastrointestinal tract in close relatives. Almost 2/3 of the patients indicated that in the past medical history often used the fat, salt, canned food and had social habits. In both sets of age groups men smoke more than women. It was found that the proportion of ever-smokers in the cities significantly higher than the percentage of the rural population. Approximately one third of respondents noted the presence of subjective emotional stress.
Conclusions. During the study of lifestyle of the general population and patients with malignant neoplasms revealed a number of differences, which can be considered as predictors of cancer process.


Orazova G, Karp L, Dossakhanov A, Sauyekenova L, Zhaxylykova G, Bukhanovskaya L, et al. Some aspects of lifestyle as predictors of malignant neoplasms of upper gastrointestinal tract. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2015;1(35):45-50.


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