Incidence of diseases among the pupils of orphanages in different regions

Заболеваемость воспитанников детских домов и домов ребенка по отдельным регионам
Zhupar Nakhanova 1, Sholpan Kairmukhanova 2
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1 Referral Center, National research center for maternal and child health of the corporate fund «UMC», Astana, Kazakhstan
2 Department of pediatrics, Republican diagnostic center of the corporate fund «UMC», Astana, Kazakhstan
J CLIN MED KAZ, Volume 3, Issue 45 special issue, pp. 139-140.
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The purpose of the medical examination of pupils of the orphanages and organizations providing education to orphan children and children deprived of the custody of parents was the assessment of the incidence of diseases and determination of possible ways of further rehabilitation.


Nakhanova Z, Kairmukhanova S. Incidence of diseases among the pupils of orphanages in different regions. Journal of Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan. 2017;3(45 special issue):139-40.


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